Uploading your application to the world most popular app stores!

  • Appstore (Apple/iOS) application upload

    $990.00 USD
    (One Time payment)
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    • App Store Guidelines Compliance - We meticulously ensure that your game complies with Apple's stringent App Store Review Guidelines, covering content, design, functionality, and more.

      App Information Management - Our experts provide accurate and detailed information about your video game, including title, description, keywords, screenshots, and promotional images, effectively showcasing its features and enticing potential users.

      Eye-catching App Icon Creation - We craft visually appealing and recognizable app icons that meet Apple's design guidelines and effectively represent your game.

      Compelling Screenshots and Preview Videos - Our team selects high-quality screenshots and preview videos that highlight your gameplay and features, enticing users to download and engage with your game.

      Strategic Pricing and Monetization - We assist you in determining the optimal pricing model for your game and ensure that any monetization methods comply with Apple's policies and guidelines.

      Age Rating Assignment - Our specialists assign appropriate age ratings to your game based on its content, ensuring compliance with Apple's App Store guidelines.

      Thorough App Review Process Management - We navigate the app review process on your behalf, ensuring that your game meets all requirements and guidelines to minimize the risk of rejection or delays.
  • Playstore (Android) application upload

    $990.00 USD
    (One Time payment)
    Order Now
    • App Store Guidelines Compliance - We meticulously ensure that your game complies with Google's stringent Playstore Review Guidelines, covering content, design, functionality, and more.

      App Information Management - Our experts provide accurate and detailed information about your video game, including title, description, keywords, screenshots, and promotional images, effectively showcasing its features and enticing potential users.

      Eye-catching App Icon Creation - We craft visually appealing and recognizable app icons that meet Google's design guidelines and effectively represent your game.

      Compelling Screenshots and Preview Videos - Our team selects high-quality screenshots and preview videos that highlight your gameplay and features, enticing users to download and engage with your game.

      Strategic Pricing and Monetization - We assist you in determining the optimal pricing model for your game and ensure that any monetization methods comply with Google's policies and guidelines.

      Age Rating Assignment - Our specialists assign appropriate age ratings to your game based on its content, ensuring compliance with Google's App Store guidelines.

      Thorough App Review Process Management - We navigate the app review process on your behalf, ensuring that your game meets all requirements and guidelines to minimize the risk of rejection or delays.